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The frequent questions I receive about image marketing just shows the lack of understanding among business owners in this field of image marketing. According to research done by Mashable, users look at the images on your profile to indicate what is worthy of reading. Without an image to initiate the conversation with your client, they will rarely read your content.
(You can visit MDG's blog to learn more about how users view your business's profiles on Facebook, Twitter, linked in, and Google plus.)
Images are becoming more and more of a "staple piece of content" on the internet, and among social media sites, the most clicked items are "memes", or images with funny text. These images are created to make sure followers see your humor as an individual. Infographics, then, are the memes of advertising. Imagine that your client sees an interesting topic that is fully explained entirely in an image. Imagine, if you will, that followers and friends began to actually read your posts!
To give you a snippet of the environment your content is entering, The Infographic above shows the number of seconds in 1,000 years compared to the amount of Facebook photos in 2011. Knowing that, remember that to get your content noticed, it is essential to create info-graphics and images that catch your follower's attention. Use fun concepts, compare your industry to something unrelated, show numbers or trends, or even tell a story with a timeline, and above all, ask if you would read your graphic.
You can find many more examples of how to create Infographics that will get your information across by our friends on PINTEREST, but be aware of when you post these wonderful tools. Below is a summary of how to approach timing your posts.
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